Real Food!

1/2 of a scrambled egg with shredded cheese and a 1/4th of a banana!  Oh Yeah!  My first “REAL” food since surgery!  I was very careful to take small bites and chew chew chew!  CHEWING!  What a novel idea after 2 weeks of sipping on everything!  You have no idea though how much you miss the simple act of biting and chewing your food until it is taken away from you!  So many new things have been added to my menu options today I am beyond excited!

I get to add fat free refried beans, peanut butter, apple sauce, cottage cheese (one of my favorites and super high in protein), tuna fish, canned chicken, mashed potatoes, scrambled egg, cheeses.  So many more flavors to my menu I actually look forward to my next meal now instead of dreading that next meal of strained soup and jell-o once again!  This phase is where I weed out the liquids in my meals and turn to solid foods only. It seems odd to not have anything to drink with my meal but you can’t spare that room when you need to fill it with protein!

My focus is on taking in higher protein foods as much as possible so I can drink less of those shakes between meals!  I can only seem to tolerate the Nectar Chocolate and Vanilla ones and they are starting to make me ill with the smell of them so can’t wait to be able to incorporate higher protein food in my meals so I can drink less of those!  I currently only seem to have to take about 12 ounces of the shakes now in order to meet my 60-70 grams of protein a day between my food, milk and shakes. Hoping to get that down further so that I can no longer have to do the protein powder and just maybe the milk between meals.

Tomorrow I head back to work and just hope to make it through the 2 days I have to work before I am off for another 5 days for the holiday!  9 hr work day is gonna be really tough so I will have to just pace myself and really take it easy and just do what I can and not overdo.  Luckily I have a desk job, although a stressful position, I don’t have a physical one, so that certainly helps me a great deal!

I am anxious to visit the doctor on Tuesday to see how I am doing.  I don’t own a scale, I have never believed in them, but I think I will probably have to break down and purchase a decent one soon.  I will be curious if I have lost any weight over the past 2 weeks.  Surely you would think I would have lost a few pounds considering the very small amount of calories being taken in each day but I also have not been super active during recovery.  I am giving myself a couple more weeks for incisions to finish healing and such before I hop back on the treadmill and start building back up to my walking regimen. I know this is going to be key to my success in the long run but I also do not want to push myself too fast too early and cause problems with my healing.

Have a great Sunday everyone! I will be enjoying my last day of vacation!

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