2 week Post Op–on the right track!

Today was my first follow-up appointment with my surgeon and nutritionist.  Stepping on the scale for the first time was both scary and exciting!  I am down 14 pounds since surgery day!  I was blown away!  I did not expect to see that kind of number on the scale today!  The doc said everything looked good and he would see me in 3 months!  I can start exercising in a couple more weeks.

I met with my nutritionist as well and my protein intake is right on target!  I need to keep it between 57-78g daily.  I have been averaging around 67 daily so that is perfect.  She said I need to increase my calories a little bit if possible until I get to the next food phase.  I may have to switch out some of the real low-fat options I have for normal options right now such as the low-fat string cheese and such and just go with regular versions that are a little higher in calories while in this phase.  She said this will keep my body from going into the starvation mode.

I went over some of the mild issues I have noticed such as the shakes/weakness in the morning and being cold all the time.  She said that this is probably because I am not getting enough calories in and my blood sugar is maybe dropping a bit low in the mornings.  I need to try to eat or drink some protein first thing in the morning to get that spike up a little.  It is just going to be a matter of altering my normal routine some from what I am used to.  Eat first, then shower!

I go back in 2 weeks for another follow-up to see how I am progressing on the new diet.  By then I will be on the next diet phase and hopefully able to swallow pills again and started exercising again on my treadmill.  Only 33 lbs to go until I hit UNDERLAND as they call it and it has been close to 20 years since I have seen it so that is going to be a day to celebrate!  Perhaps with a new outfit, shoes, car…who knows haha!

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