My Journey

In January 2014 I was checking my sugar cause I had been hot, sweating and moody all day and to my surprise it was 497. Before this, I had never had one over 175 (was put on MetFormin 2 yrs prior) called Doctor and went to ER three different times to two different hospitals and finally had to be put on insulin. This was very emotional and mentally draining on me.  I had already been in a deep depression after losing my father in Oct 2013 this just was the icing on the cake. I stopped leaving the house and cooking for my family, I would just sit for hours doing nothing but watching TV, playing on the internet, eating, crying or sleep all day. I missed my Dad so much I felt like my world had come crashing down on me and my health was getting worse. My Back hurt so bad I didn’t want to move then my knee started hurting more and more. I felt like what else could go wrong or why me? Then my Husband said to me one day what are you doing? This isn’t you and your dad would be so mad at you for just giving up. That hit me like a bolt of lighting. He was right, my dad would be mad I wasn’t taking care of my health and I knew I had put on some weight (on an already obese body) he would be very upset and disappointed in me for that. So I called the Doctor, told them I thought maybe my depression meds need to be changed and I need to talk to someone. When I got to the doctor that day I was so embarrassed when I got on the scale I had gained 75 pounds in 7 months from the time my dad had passed until May 2014. I tipped the scale at my all time highest 360.  I cried the whole way home and couldn’t believe I had done this to myself.  What was I thinking gaining more weight after already having to start insulin. I was never going to be able to get rid of the insulin the way I was going,I was headed to my own death. I have two teenage boys, a husband and myself to think about. I hit the internet researching and new diets were out of the question because I was tired of the yo-yoing. I needed a life style change. I need to be healthy, it was never about being thin. I need to be healthy. I have now met with my surgeon and my nutritionist and we decided on the Reux-En-Y because it is the best for people with diabetes. That was Oct 21, 2014 and I weighted at that time 355. At my first check in with the nutritionist 2 weeks in I was down 7 pounds, 2nd weigh in was down a total of 13 pounds. I now have my next apt. with nutritionist on the 9th and I’m down a total of 20 pounds hoping to lose 5 more by Friday. I’m excited about my healthier life style can’t wait until they tell me I’m good to go for surgery because with the surgery we are hoping that within 3 months I will be off insulin and maybe even MetFormin which is what I want more than anything.

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