4th visit with the nutritionist

So Friday was my fourth visit with the nutritionist. So to recap, my first meeting with Doc, surgeon and nutritionist was Oct 24, 2014. I weighed 355.  The second time I met with nutritionist was three weeks later on Nov 7th, 2014 and I had lost 7 lbs weighing 348 lbs.  I’m not making excuses but obesity is a disease and a struggle with one’s self I ended up gaining 5 pounds. Very upset with myself even though I knew what I did wrong. It was my son’s Birthday and I told myself it was fine to have that piece of Better than sex cake.  Then before I went to bed I have one more small piece. But when we came home and I weighed myself and I knew I didn’t want to ever feel that way again. I didn’t want the guilt.  I felt defeated and this was no longer going to defeat me. So I got back on track and worked hard because I had to get those 5 lbs back off plus more before my third visit with nutritionist was on Dec 12, 2014. I lost 5 lbs weighing 343. BOO but at least I lost and they were happy with me so they set my last two appts up with nutritionist. Jan 9th they wanted me to lose 7 lbs.  I’m Happy to say I lost 11 lbs for a total of 23 lbs which I was trying so hard for 25 but just didn’t pull it off this time. So this means my last appt is Feb 6 and I have to lose 7 lbs to prove that I can and want this surgery. But I myself want to lose 15-20 so I am going to up my exercise and I believe this can and will be done. I have to say with having the support of my sister and having her here along with me on this journey has got to be the best feeling ever. I mean I have a pretty good support team but no one understands the way she does. love ya sis!!

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