First Battle since surgery—GAS!

Ok, I am going to give everyone fair warning that this post is going to be a TMI one but I must share because hopefully it will help someone else in the future who might be going through this!

I have had little to no side effects so far since surgery! NONE!  Everyone I talk to seems really surprised by this. They ask, no nausea, vomiting?  I tell them, no nothing yet.  This ALL changed last week for me.  Phase 3 consists of cheese, beans, tuna, cheese, beans, tuna, did I mention CHEESE?  Well, we all know what happens when you eat too many beans and too much cheese!  It leads to GAS and no go!  I warned you!

I started having sharp pains in my lower abdomen every time I would stand up.  My tummy would gurgle all the time no matter if I was eating, drinking or sleeping.  I could only “go” every other day and little at that.  I was getting pretty uncomfortable and the pain I was having was worrying me as I know having this surgery puts you at risk for hernia.  I called the surgeon and he suggested I take something for gas and constipation to see if that could be the issue and if it got worse, to go to the ER.

$40 later at the drugstore, I had GasX, Miralax, Colace in hand. I already had a bottle of Milk of Magnesia so that was first as we needed to get things moving along and then the Miralax to keep it regular.  GasX has been my saving grace the past few days and the pain in my abdomen is now gone.

It turns out that this is very common post bypass surgery and is something that I very well could have to deal with from now on because of my restricted diet.  It is harder for me to get regular fiber and enough of it in my food to keep things “normal” so I will probably have to supplement with fiber and these meds to keep myself from getting miserable.

Tomorrow I start my vitamin/supplement regimen as I am 4 weeks out and can start on pills again!  No more crushing them in orange juice!  Can’t wait to not have to taste that terrible bitter stuff again!  Onto new challenges as I am terrible with pills, but phase 4 of my food starts so this opens up new food choices, fruit, lunchmeat, and more!  Another checkup on Wednesday this week!  We shall see what the scale says!

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