Putting things into perspective!


My brain has not caught up yet to my weigh loss.  When I look in the mirror every day, I still see the old me looking back. I talked to my weight loss center about this and they advised the best way to get me to see the changes is to take photos and compare them to photos of the old me.  Today is the first time I have done this since I started this journey a year ago.  While I have taken photos along the way, I have never compared them to me at my heaviest until today.  The photo above is a photo taken of me on the left at me on my heaviest that I can remember and me yesterday on Valentines day 2015.

I will say, when I did this, I was in tears.  I don’t recognize the faces staring back at me in either picture.  I don’t remember that heavy person even though it has only been a year on this journey and the new face staring back at me has changed so much, it is barely recognizable.  So many people have said this to me, that they wouldn’t recognize me today if it were not for who I happen to be with when they saw me.  My own parents have even said this when they saw my new photo that if they saw me in person, they may not recognize me.

It feels good to look at this, knowing I have lost almost 100 lbs in the last year.  My 1 year anniversary will be in only about 4 weeks that I started this weight loss journey with my family doctor and when I weighed myself a few days ago, I was 9 lbs away from losing 100 lbs!!  This is my big milestone I really wanted to hit by 1 year so I am pretty confident I will hit it.

I am still battling this virus I last posted about, I am on round 4 of my antibiotics and been to 3 doctors now.  I have finally turned the corner though I think and starting to feel a little better. I keep pushing forward to get past this virus and back on a healthy track so I can get on an exercise routine and really start trying to get more weight off and start toning up.  I would love to hit my goal weight by end of summer.  I know it is a lofty goal but I think it is also doable if I work hard, follow my program and stick to the exercise.

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