Today is the day FINALLY!  I hit the 100’s for the first time in nearly 20 years!  What a sweet feeling that is!  I have not seen the scale show a 1 at the beginning of my weight since shortly after my youngest was born nearly 20 years ago!  What a great feeling it is.

Tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary and I set a goal a year ago to lose 100 lbs in the year.  On Wednesday of this past week, I made that goal!!!  100 lbs in 1 year.  It almost seems impossible to imagine.  That is like losing an entire person!

I am really starting to get my energy back now.  I am about 3 months out from my surgery now and things are going great.  I am walking at least 4-5 times a week and sticking to my program watching everything I eat, monitoring my protein very closely ( I want to keep my hair) trying to get my 64 oz of water in a day and so on.

The biggest changes I have seen are in my skin.  I don’t have the oily skin like I did before, at least not to the extreme it was.  I used to have to buy products to mattify before putting make up on and then even with that, I would look like I was melting after a few hours.  Now, after the end of a work day, I barely have a shine.  I am cold all the time, no matter what.  My upper back hurts all the time.  My research has found that this is common with rapid weight loss because the body is trying to find a new center of gravity and the muscles and such are over compensating.  I am trying to work through this with my massage therapist and chiro but it is going to take a long time until my body adjusts I think.

Adjusting to a new body image is a whole different set of issues.  My mind is slowing starting to catch up to the change and I can see the new me in the mirror finally.  I shop at the thrift stores every few weeks to buy clothes that fit as they become baggy so quickly.  I bagged up all the old clothes and have sold many of them off as I never plan to put them on again.  I don’t want that reminder in my house.  I have set my mind to follow this new life and stick to it and never turn back.  I see others around me making changes in their lives after seeing the success I have found and it feels good to be able to inspire people to make positive, healthy changes and see them succeed as well.  It brings me such joy to see them excited and tell me about their success on the scale or tell me about an accomplishment they made and their willingness to share it with me.  I love being their biggest cheerleader!  I would have never thought that by making the decision to take this journey to save my health, I would actually be saving others.

I am planning on taking 1 year anniversary pictures tomorrow in celebration of my long journey so far.  I might even dig out my “fat” outfit I kept and try it on just to get a sense of how far I really have come!  I encourage anyone who goes down this path to keep one outfit as a reminder to look back on some day and say….wow…look at me now and look how much I have accomplished!

May the next year of this journey be just as awesome and successful!

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