I’m sorry i didn’t blog this soon but with everything going on my mind has been other places. I got my approval letter on a Saturday when I was out of town My husband emailed it to me as a surprise. So Monday the first thing I did I called to see when we could schedule my surgery not thinking my surgeon is only in office on Thursday and Friday. But that Tuesday night at 8:30 the nurse called and said “I’m going on vacation for two weeks you want to schedule this surgery now?” of course I do!! So April 14th is the big day and it’s coming soon and coming fast and I’m so excited!! I’m excited to get my health back and I’m ready for the help get the rest of this weight off forever and know more yo-yoing. 

So Excited!!

I had my last appointment with the nutritionist today. I’m down 32 lbs and now just waiting on insurance to give me the go ahead. Did all my blood work and all the pre op questions. After insurance says OK, I will have one last doctor visit with the surgeon to go over any last-minute details and/or questions. I’m so close I could cry.  I can’t wait for this part to be over.  At times it has been a little stressful for me wanting it so bad and thinking I was going to fail like I have failed so many things in the past. But I have a great support system behind me. My Sister in law has kept me in check so many times and don’t even know it. I can say I have never felt like giving up though. I don’t think I have ever wanted anything as much as I have wanted my health and my life back. I want to walk up stairs without feeling like I’m going to have a heart attack. I want to see my boys grow up and get married. I can’t wait to go shopping with my Sister in law to the mall to any store we want to and laugh and have fun and not have to sit down cause my back hurts or my knees are killing me cause I’ve been walking for 20 minutes. I want my life back.  I want to be me again!!!!

No More Insulin!!

Went to see my Endocrinologist on Monday and after checking my feet and talking a little about how close I was coming to have my surgery, he was looking over the download of my glucose levels for the last 4 month and he says ” Oh you got your A1C down to a 5.5- way to go!” I was so excited I didn’t think the news could get any better than that. Then he turns and says ” How would you like to stop taking your insulin and MetFormin? I was in shock, of course I would love to stop my insulin. I really thought I would never hear those words so fast into my journey but he said you still have to take this new pill until next visit in 4 months or until surgery. I have lost 30 lbs a little hard work and it’s paid off in good ways already. I’m so glad that I finally decided to take my life back and stop letting food and stress eating control me. My last Appointment with my surgeon and nutritionist is Friday Feb 6th and I would love to lose 10 more pounds. So i need to hit the treadmill and the stairs and get this going.

4th visit with the nutritionist

So Friday was my fourth visit with the nutritionist. So to recap, my first meeting with Doc, surgeon and nutritionist was Oct 24, 2014. I weighed 355.  The second time I met with nutritionist was three weeks later on Nov 7th, 2014 and I had lost 7 lbs weighing 348 lbs.  I’m not making excuses but obesity is a disease and a struggle with one’s self I ended up gaining 5 pounds. Very upset with myself even though I knew what I did wrong. It was my son’s Birthday and I told myself it was fine to have that piece of Better than sex cake.  Then before I went to bed I have one more small piece. But when we came home and I weighed myself and I knew I didn’t want to ever feel that way again. I didn’t want the guilt.  I felt defeated and this was no longer going to defeat me. So I got back on track and worked hard because I had to get those 5 lbs back off plus more before my third visit with nutritionist was on Dec 12, 2014. I lost 5 lbs weighing 343. BOO but at least I lost and they were happy with me so they set my last two appts up with nutritionist. Jan 9th they wanted me to lose 7 lbs.  I’m Happy to say I lost 11 lbs for a total of 23 lbs which I was trying so hard for 25 but just didn’t pull it off this time. So this means my last appt is Feb 6 and I have to lose 7 lbs to prove that I can and want this surgery. But I myself want to lose 15-20 so I am going to up my exercise and I believe this can and will be done. I have to say with having the support of my sister and having her here along with me on this journey has got to be the best feeling ever. I mean I have a pretty good support team but no one understands the way she does. love ya sis!!

My Journey

In January 2014 I was checking my sugar cause I had been hot, sweating and moody all day and to my surprise it was 497. Before this, I had never had one over 175 (was put on MetFormin 2 yrs prior) called Doctor and went to ER three different times to two different hospitals and finally had to be put on insulin. This was very emotional and mentally draining on me.  I had already been in a deep depression after losing my father in Oct 2013 this just was the icing on the cake. I stopped leaving the house and cooking for my family, I would just sit for hours doing nothing but watching TV, playing on the internet, eating, crying or sleep all day. I missed my Dad so much I felt like my world had come crashing down on me and my health was getting worse. My Back hurt so bad I didn’t want to move then my knee started hurting more and more. I felt like what else could go wrong or why me? Then my Husband said to me one day what are you doing? This isn’t you and your dad would be so mad at you for just giving up. That hit me like a bolt of lighting. He was right, my dad would be mad I wasn’t taking care of my health and I knew I had put on some weight (on an already obese body) he would be very upset and disappointed in me for that. So I called the Doctor, told them I thought maybe my depression meds need to be changed and I need to talk to someone. When I got to the doctor that day I was so embarrassed when I got on the scale I had gained 75 pounds in 7 months from the time my dad had passed until May 2014. I tipped the scale at my all time highest 360.  I cried the whole way home and couldn’t believe I had done this to myself.  What was I thinking gaining more weight after already having to start insulin. I was never going to be able to get rid of the insulin the way I was going,I was headed to my own death. I have two teenage boys, a husband and myself to think about. I hit the internet researching and new diets were out of the question because I was tired of the yo-yoing. I needed a life style change. I need to be healthy, it was never about being thin. I need to be healthy. I have now met with my surgeon and my nutritionist and we decided on the Reux-En-Y because it is the best for people with diabetes. That was Oct 21, 2014 and I weighted at that time 355. At my first check in with the nutritionist 2 weeks in I was down 7 pounds, 2nd weigh in was down a total of 13 pounds. I now have my next apt. with nutritionist on the 9th and I’m down a total of 20 pounds hoping to lose 5 more by Friday. I’m excited about my healthier life style can’t wait until they tell me I’m good to go for surgery because with the surgery we are hoping that within 3 months I will be off insulin and maybe even MetFormin which is what I want more than anything.